Tuxedo Picture

Tuxedo Picture
My Beautiful Tuxedo

Monday, April 25, 2011

Twinkie Spreads Her Wings - Part 6

Because Twinkie is an “only cat”, I sometimes try to indulge her curiosity when it appears that she is bored with the same daily routines. Playing with toy mice can be repetitive. Cats get bored like people, you know?

When Twinkie is bored, she walks around the house aimlessly for a while. Then she starts to investigate every room. This usually entails jumping on things, which is not cool. I have to try to catch her in the act to discipline her. I say try, because I know full well that when I am not home, she jumps on things.

So, last weekend’s weather was really nice. The sun was out and the air was lukewarm, much better than it has been for April. I was having writers block, and I started wandering around the house. The two of us, walking around the house, bored to tears together.

I thought it would be good if Twinkie and I went out to my second floor porch. I opened the door and Twinkie zoomed out. She wandered around the floor sniffing and exploring the parameters. We enjoyed the sun, listened to birds, and relaxed for a little while.

Rejuvenated, I left and let Twinkie stay on the porch. I left the doors open so she could come and go as she pleased. Like a toddler just learning to spread her wings, she first followed me inside, then walked back to the porch. This would happen several times over the course of the next hour. She would run out to the porch. Then periodically she’d come back for a few minutes to make sure I was still in the house.

We’ve done this a few times since, weather permitting. It’s a good break for both of us. We enjoy each other’s company, and it gives us some time to reflect and unwind in the sun.

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