Tuxedo Picture

Tuxedo Picture
My Beautiful Tuxedo

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Tuxedo Has Given Me a Bed Curfew # 34

Lately I have been on a writing roll, staying up until as early as 5 am. I guess Tuxedo decided that she’d had enough of my burning the midnight oil. Now, between 1 am and 2, she shows up and makes me go to bed. She walks all over the laptop, meows while hitting me with her head, and generally makes a pest of herself.

I don’t know why she chose this particular time for me to go to bed. But it’s been working. Rather than put up with her bullying, I go to bed around ‘her’ bedtime. I have to admit that getting the extra sleep has worked for me.

Today at six thirty in the morning, I heard tuxedo meowing for me. She does this from time to time, but not so early. As I was tired, I ignored her meows. I knew she had plenty of water and food. I hate getting up at six-thirty in the morning, so I tried to sleep through her noise.

Soon the meowing stopped. But a few minutes later, I felt her playing with my hand. I couldn’t ignore that, and I felt she really wanted me to get up. So I opened my eyes and saw her playing with my hand, and I played with her for about ten minutes.

Tuxedo then stood up and hopped off the bed. That spoiled feline woke me up at six-thirty in the “hell no!” morning to play with her for ten minutes! What cheekiness! She is so spoiled, and I can’t say anything because I caused it.

Note to Self – Start sleeping with my hands under the covers.
All Posts are copywritten 2010-2011

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